I am an academic, math teacher and data scientist. I have a passion for machine learning and actively seek opportunities to apply it in various domains.
Hands-On Projects:
- Driver Drowsiness Detection (Deep Learning Project)
The program detects the drivers' drowsiness using the Kaggle dataset. My system generates an alarm when the driver's eyes closed for an unusual time. I did it in real-time and utilized deep learning techniques such as transfer learning.
Tech Stack: TensorFlow (Keras), OpenCV, NumPy, Pygame, VScode, Jupyter Notebook, Convolutional Neural Network
NB. This is a program that has already been used in cars, and there are various techniques to achieve it. There are thousands of scientific articles presenting different approaches. Nevertheless, The challenge of accomplishing this project in real-time intrigued me.
A web application that showcases different movie recommendation algorithms.
Tech Stack: Scikit-Learn, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Seaborn, Pickle
I built an Artificial Neural Network that recognizes objects that I hold into the webcam.
Tech Stack: TensorFlow (Keras), NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas
- Markov Simulation (Customer Behaviour Simulation)
I wrote a program that simulates customer behaviour in a supermarket.
Tech Stack: Algorithm Design, Python OOP, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Datetime, Seaborn, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Git
- Time Series Analysis (Temperature Forecast)
I created a short-term temperature forecast.
Tech Stack: Signal Processing, ARIMA/SARIMA Model, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Box-Jenkins Method
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis (Natural Language Processing)
Implementation of a dockerized data pipeline that collects tweets, analyzes their sentiments and publishes the annotated tweets on Slack in real time, utilizing a two-step data base storage.
Tech Stack: Docker, MongoDB, PostgreSQL , ETL , VADER Sentiment Analysis (NLP)
I built a dashboard summarizing the Northwind Database. It is a sample database that is shipped along with Microsoft Access. The data is about “Northwind Traders”, a fictional company. The database contains all sales transactions between the company and its customers as well as purchases from Northwinds suppliers.
Tech Stack: PostgreSQL database
- Text Classification (Song Lyrics Classification)
I built a text classification model on song lyrics and predict the artist from a piece of text.
Tech Stack: Regex, BeautifulSoup, NLTK, Spacy, NumPy, Pickle, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, Naive Bayes, Random Forest
Machine learning based dashboard that uses Linear Regression to predict demand for bicycle rentals at any given hour, based on time and weather.
Tech Stack: Scikit-learn, Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas
Using Titanic Kaggle Dataset I predicted whether passenger survived the disaster or not.
Tech Stack: Pandas, Matplotlib,Decision Trees, Random Forests, Logistic Regression